Our fictional series Albatros has received 14 Ensor nominations, the Flemish film prizes. On 23 January the winners will be announced at the Gala of the Ensors. As of 15 February the series of Wannes Destoop will be on show at Canvas (VRT).
And the nominees are...:
Beste TV-series
Beste Director TV-series: Wannes Destoop
Best Script TV-series: Wannes Destoop, Dominique Van Malder, Tom Dupont en Gilles Coulier)
Beste Actor: Benny Claessens
Beste Actor: Dominique Van Malder
Beste Actrice: Janne Desmet
Beste Actrice: Isabelle Van Hecke
Beste D.O.P.: Dries Delputte
Beste Art Direction: Philippe Bertin
Beste Make-up: Labhise Allara M.C.
Beste Kostuum: Catherine Marchand
Beste Montage: Tom Denoyette
Beste Muziek: Pieter Van Dessel & Lennert Coorevits
Beste Sound Design: Fabien Pochet